
Showing posts from January, 2020

What Does It Mean to Rank in the Top 100 of the Amazon Kindle Store?

My fantasy novella is in the top 100 twice, but I don’t understand how it got there.   I’m a new fantasy author. Tell Us the Mermaid Story , my novella for YA and adult readers, ranked in both Amazon’s top 100 Folklore, and their Fantasy short reads categories.  I want to believe it's really a good thing, but I don't understand how the rankings are possible. The release was only December 31, 2019 and by the end of the first day, there was one sale.  That increased the following day, once the KDP free promotion kicked in, but as of this writing (January 3, 2020), I still don't have any reviews. Justifiable Pride In case I sound like I'm complaining about something that I should really be viewing as a good thing, I'm not. I'm happy about the rankings, and maybe even a little proud, but I want my pride to be justifiable. I can't see how I can rejoice in what I can only guess, amounts to some kind of crazy algorithm.   When I first ...