A New Clan of Merpeople Are About to Make a Splash!

The new mermaid book by debut fantasy author Beka R. March is now available for pre-ordering on Amazon.

Hey fantasy readers. Are you ready to get a brief introduction to a new clan of merpeople called the Merquaticans. Well be sure to get your order in for the new mermaid novella, Tell Us the Mermaid Story. And don't forget to leave a review about the book and let the author know what you think.


Tell Us the Mermaid Story can be yours as a free gift copy, if you request it in time. If you'd like to be one of the first to read and review this exciting new mermaid tale, simply click the link below and send your request before December 31st, the official launch day of the book.

·YES: I want to receive an AMAZON gift copy, so I can leave a genuine and honest review.
 YES: I want a free .PDF copy, so I can make a social media post and a genuine, honest review.


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