
Showing posts from December, 2019

How Can a New Book Promotion Service Really Benefit Your New Novel?

Using a new book launch service to promote a new novella. When the title of this blog article caught your eye, chances are, your mind was instantly attracted to the word "new." Let’s face it, who doesn’t love the idea of something new ? It’s human nature. But sometimes, when it comes to paying a fee for a new product or service, people tend to be skeptical, even if the fee is a nominal one. We want what’s new, but we’re afraid of it too. Attractive New Services If the above comment sounds like a contradiction, that’s because it is, but as I already stated, it’s human nature, and that’s how we humans are. The reality is, on the one hand, we like hearing about and checking out new things, even if it’s just out of pure curiosity. So yes, new services are often attractive. But on the other hand, we tend to be skeptical when money is involved, so in these cases, “new” can actually be a disadvantage.  With my own product, a new fantasy novella about ...

A New Clan of Merpeople Are About to Make a Splash!

The new mermaid book by debut fantasy author Beka R. March is now available for pre-ordering on Amazon. Hey fantasy readers. Are you ready to get a brief introduction to a new clan of merpeople called the Merquaticans. Well be sure to get your order in for the new mermaid novella, Tell Us the Mermaid Story. And don't forget to leave a review about the book and let the author know what you think.   Tell Us the Mermaid Story can be yours as a free gift copy, if you request it in time. If you'd like to be one of the first to read and review this exciting new mermaid tale, simply click the link below and send your request before December 31st, the official launch day of the book. · YES : I want to receive an AMAZON gift copy , so I can leave a genuine and honest review.   YES: I want a free .PDF copy, so I can make a social media post and a genuine, honest review.

Seeking Fantasy Authors with Unique Mermaid Books

Inform fantasy readers why your mermaid book is unique and different.   Greetings fellow fantasy authors. I’m new to fantasy writing, and I have a soon-to-be released novella. Before the December 31st book launch of “ Tell Us the Mermaid Story ,” I’m hoping to find some similar titles on Amazon, so I can determine how to position my own book. The field of fantasy writing is a vast one, and in many ways, the competition is steep. However, with so many different perspectives about what a merperson should be, fantasy authors have a diverse field of fantasy readers. There’s room for everyone. Would you like to have your book title (new or existing) added to the list of unique mermaid books that I’m composing? Great! Simply add a comment at the bottom of the page, and include your book title and Amazon link. Don’t hesitate to leave a few words and let us know, what specifically is unique about your mermaids. Click and read if you’d also like to get a free Amazo...

Free Amazon Gift Copy from Debut Fantasy Author

Leave honest book reviews, with no quid quo pro!   If you’re looking for an entertaining new fantasy author to follow, don’t miss the debut of Beka R. March, and the December 31st book launch of “ Tell Us the Mermaid Story .”   I’m Beka, and I want to offer you a FREE Amazon gift copy of my upcoming novella, but I need you to do me a favor though. Your honest and genuine book review posted on Amazon would be greatly appreciated. NO QUID QUO PRO. [Hey, Amazon, if it’s good enough for the president…] Take a moment and read an excerpt from Tell Us the Mermaid Story , right here on this blog. For a little more insight, check out this interesting Medium article about other merpeople related books, that too often, have the same or similar backstory. To get your FREE Amazon gift copy , so you can leave an honest and genuine book review (No quid quo pro), simply provide your email information so you can receive the book’s Amazon gift link when it becomes...